Der Weibsteufel


语言 Deutsch

Der Weibsteufel(2000)

★★★★★ ★★★★★ 暂无评分
(AT) 90m 剧情,电视电影

An old smuggler and fence wants to use his very young and beautiful wife to find out about the plans of the new, ambitious border policeman. With somnambulistic certainty, she pulls out all the stops of female seduction. The man's clever move seems to be successful. But the young woman's game becomes serious. She falls in love with the vital man who makes her aware of her sexual frustration and the failed joy of motherhood. When her husband sees through the true circumstances and the young woman has to realize that her lover has also abused her as an informant, the catastrophe can no longer be stopped.

Der Weibsteufel评分
★★★★★ ★★★★★
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